Very rare and with a fine pedigree
Los 1778
Constantius Gallus, Caesar, 351-354. Solidus (Gold, 22 mm, 4.41 g, 12 h), Thessalonica, late 353. D N CONSTANTI-VS NOB CAES Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius Gallus to right. Rev. GLORIA REI PVBLICAE / •TES• Roma, helmeted, seated facing on the left, and Constantinopolis, turreted, seated to left with her right foot on prow on the right, holding between them a shield inscribed VOT / V / MVLT / X. Depeyrot 9/2. RIC 151. Very rare and with a fine pedigree. Nearly extremely fine.

From the collection of a retired senior air force officer and from the C.G. Collection of Roman Coins, Numismatica Ars Classica 80, 20 October 2014, 279, ex Numismatica Ars Classica 52, 7 October 2009, 628, idem 33, 5 April 2006, 607 and idem 4, 27 February 1991, 458.

As Constantius Gallus was executed before fulfilling his vota quinquennalia, this issue was likely struck in the context of Constantius' tricennalia on 8 November 353 and commemorates new vota suscepta undertaken by the Caesar during the empire-wide celebrations.
3500 CHF
2800 CHF
4200 CHF
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